Total marks obtained in XII Std

  In the event of being admitted to the college, I will attend all classes regularly and refrain from doing anything which may disturb other classes or the normal functioning of the college. I will use the Furniture, Electrical fittings and all other college properties with great care.
I assure you Sir / Madam, That I shall abide by the rules and regulations of the college. In the event of any of the violation of it, I submit myself before you for any action against me.
  I do hereby declare that the particulars given in the Application are correct to the best of my knowledge. I also undertake to call on the Principal at least once a semester to keep myself informed of the academic progress and attendance of my son/daughter/ward in case he/she is admitted. I also agree to hold myself responsible for the conduct of my son/daughter/ward and see to it that he/she does not indulge in any activity which might disrupt the academic life and discipline in the college and in the event of discontinuing my son's/daughter's course, I agree to pay the Tuition fees for the rest of the course before getting my T.C. & Original Certificates.